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H M Sealey
Kingdom Rising
The Privileged Few
What happens when the biggest crime is to be white?
What does it really feel like to be denied privileges because of an accident of birth?
Maybe there's a lesson to learn.
Or maybe not.
Zinia Santos is the daughter of a Yazidi refugee and thus lives a life of privilege on one of the highest Strata of society. Her life, like everyone else in the country, is strictly timetabled by the government, her job, her home, the food she eats, even her hobbies are prescribed to her by law. She will never be homeless, or unemployed, or hungry. Nor will she ever be able to choose her own meals, her own job, her own sexual partner.
If anything goes wrong in her life, the government is responsible and the government can be sued. If she steps off the timetable however, as her sister Lara has done, the government will give her nothing. No job, no healthcare, no protection of any description. She will stop existing.
Zinia isn’t an idiot, what’s not to like about being looked after from the cradle to the grave?
A random DNA test at work outs Zinia, not as the daughter of a middle-eastern refugee, but as ordinary white British. Her mother lied in order to gain a privileged place in society reserved for those who belong to historically oppressed minorities. Zinia finds herself stripped of her identity and everything that goes with it. Relegated to the lowest Strata of society reserved for the historic oppressors, Zinia is quickly told that it’s a way of atoning for the privilege her ancestors enjoyed.
But a new minority has emerged in the last twenty years, they call themselves the Starsouls, religious zealots who believe themselves to be beyond humanity and are instantly elevated to the highest Strata although nobody knows why. Lara Santos, an outspoken YouTube Content-creator intends to find out why Starsouls can flout the strict timetables the rest of the country must adhere to.
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